U.S. House 3: Jack’s fundraising dwarfs Keller

(The Center Square) – Republican Brian Jack has raised $1.72 million more than his Democratic opponent Maura Keller.

Both candidates are competing to represent Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District, a heavily-Republican district.

In the first six months in 2024, Jack’s campaign brought in $1,776,507. Over that same period, Keller’s campaign totaled $49,458.

George Cantrell, an independent, is also running in the district.

The 3rd District is one of few U.S. House races in Georgia where there is not an incumbent in the race.

Jack faced tough opposition in the spring Republican primary, one of five candidates seeking to replace Drew Ferguson. The primary ended in a runoff with Jake beating out Mike Dugan on June 18.

Ferguson’s four terms were more moderate as compared to Jack’s alignment with former President Donald Trump.

Jack, who worked in Trump’s White House and is endorsed by him, has made immigration and the economy key issues for his campaign.

Keller is running on abortion, economic equity, and Veterans Affairs reform.

While out-fundraising his opponent, Jack also spent a good deal of money his campaign brought in.

Through June 30, campaign finance documents show Jack had spent $1,507,925 on total disbursements.

Jack’s campaign ended the period with $269,000, showing that much of the money that came into his campaign was spent winning the primary.

Keller, who won her primary by only 6%, fared much worse. Her campaign ended the period in the red, with $8,000 in the bank and owing $27,000, documents show.

The last time a Democratic candidate won the district was in 2004, when Jim Marshall beat out the Republican candidate.

Keller continues to maintain hope for her chances though.

“Georgia is closer to flipping blue than ever before, but it will only happen if we work together,” she stated on social media.

By Elyse Apel | The Center Square

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