Candidate Spotlight: Nick Newkirk – Bulloch Co. Board of Commissioners – 2C

Join us as we chat with Nick Newkirk, candidate for Bulloch County Board of Commissioners in District 2C.

Hear his campaign platform, why he’s running in this election, and where he stands on the issues impacting Bulloch County.

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…Answers to questionnaire completed by candidate below…

Candidate Spotlight: Nick Newkirk – Bulloch Co. Board of Commissioners – 2C

Join us as we chat with Nick Newkirk, candidate for Bulloch County Board of Commissioners in District 2C. Hear his campaign platform, why he’s running in this election, and where he stands on the issues impacting Bulloch County. Election Day is May 21st. Early voting begins April 29.

Name on Ballot: Nick Newkirk
For which office are you seeking: Bulloch County Commissioner 2C
Employment/Profession: Self-employed, small business owner of Crazy Nick’s Inflatables and Little Nicky’s Pizzeria
Military Service: No military service
Can you allocate the time to attend and actively participate in all required meetings and additional functions? Yes
Political Experience: No political experience

Civic Involvement: My civic involvement encompasses advocating for local government accountability and volunteering as a coach for various recreational sports such as basketball, baseball, and football within the community.
Furthermore, I’ve held leadership roles in both a local Boy Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack. Together with my wife, we’ve dedicated over a decade to volunteering with a local children’s ministry. Additionally, I’ve contributed my time to disaster relief efforts across North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana.

If you have yet to gain prior political experience or involvement, give your reasons for seeking this position and your qualifications for office: I’m running for County Commissioner because I believe it’s time to bring the government back to the people. I’m not a politician – I’m just a concerned citizen who’s fed up with the status quo of rubber stamping. It’s about representing the citizens of our great county, not big corporations. I want to protect the Bulloch County that we all know and love.

How would you best explain the duties of the office you seek? The role of a county commissioner is to protect and serve its citizens. That means using taxes wisely and listening to what the community needs. We’re here to make decisions that represent citizens and not burden them with excessive taxes.

How can you best contribute to our county and the citizens you serve? I’ve been a Bulloch business owner for 15 years, traveling the roads from Portal to Stilson for school and baseball with my boys. Along the way, I see things our county needs to address. Through my business, I’m constantly in touch with fellow citizens, hearing their concerns firsthand. My approach is to discuss government business during public meetings, not predetermined decisions made behind closed doors. Transparency is key, and I’m committed to bringing fresh perspectives and common sense to the table.

Are you willing to speak and communicate with the citizens that you serve? I am more than willing to speak with citizens. The government can’t do its job without representing the will of the people. Clear and open communication has to be at the center of all government roles. Communication with the citizens will not ever be a problem with me. I want to hear from the citizens on their concerns.

What are your biggest concerns for the County and the citizens you are running to represent? My main concerns for our community are the results of decisions made by our current leaders. We’ve seen taxes go up and new industries come in, but there hasn’t been enough done to support these changes. One big worry is that private wells in the south might dry up just to benefit a corporation’s profits. The county needs to hold these industries accountable and have them step up a fund to help those affected. It’s not reasonable that the residents of Bulloch County are going to suffer because their elected officials approved the drilling.

What changes or improvements would you like to see made in Bulloch County? With all the approved development and with what’s on the horizon, improving our road infrastructure is an urgent need for our county. Our current roads are not equipped to handle the current traffic, let alone the increased volume we are seeing each year. Many major roads in the county flood whenever there’s heavy rain, causing significant disruptions and unsafe driving conditions. As someone who’s coached rec ball for 12 years with my sons, I’ve noticed a concerning trend: we are losing kids to travel ball, and many teams have too many players who don’t get enough playing time. Continuing to strengthen our recreation department is crucial to keeping kids active and engaged. We should also ensure that sports opportunities continue through high school, rather than stopping them in 6th grade. This would be a process that will take time to build, but will be worth it for our community.

What would you like to see continue in Bulloch County? Bulloch County is a farming community. That’s one of the reasons many of us moved here so long ago. It’s essential to preserve this heritage. We must find ways to support farmers and prevent the rising costs and taxes of farmland from forcing them to sell. Our priority should be keeping tractors in the fields, not seeing farmland growing subdivisions and warehouses.

How would you balance the interests of the taxpayers with the needs of the citizens? We need to assess each department and identify areas where we can make cuts. It’s crucial to live within our means and prioritize our spending based on needs rather than wants. We must learn to distinguish between essential projects and those that can wait. Simply increasing spending and raising taxes isn’t a sustainable solution.

I would like to add… I am not a politician. I do not seek power or privilege, but I am eager to serve the wonderful citizens of this county. I believe that with my business experiences and love for this great county, we can protect and even improve our quality of life. I envision a future where my grandchildren can grow up here without being overrun by developments and warehouses.

Newkirk is running in the Republican Primary. He will appear on the May 21 ballot with Incumbent Jappy Stringer, who did not respond to requests to participate in an interview, and Brian Pfund.

Election Day is May 21st. Early voting begins April 29. Find information about your voting location and sample ballots by visiting My Voter Page.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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