RUNDOWN: Bulloch Commission Meeting – 05/21/24

This is an informal rundown of what happened at the May 21, 2024 Bulloch County Commission meeting.

Call to Order, Welcome Media and Visitors
Invocation and Pledge
Roll Call –
all Commissioners present
Approval of General Agenda

Consent Agenda

The 4 items below were voted on as a block. The items were approved unanimously.

Minutes of May 7, 2024 4:30 PM
Minutes of May 7, 2024 5:30 PM

Approve and ratify the purchase of two 2025 Ford Explorers from Friendship Ford in the total amount of $81,706.00

At the November 7, 2023, Board of Commissioners meeting the Board approved the purchase of two 2024 Ford Explorers, one for Administration and one for Recreation Administration, using State of Georgia Contract pricing from the state approved dealer Allan Vigil Ford. The state contract pricing offered the vehicles at greater savings than the amount that was offered in a bid that was issued for the FY 24 Vehicle Allotment.

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, the salesperson at Allan Vigil Ford let the purchasing manager know that Ford Manufacturing was not going to build anymore 2024 Ford Explorers and the two which we ordered were not going to be built. However, 2025 Ford Explorers could now be ordered. Prices were figured at a total of $42,283.00 each. Delivery time unknown.

Friendship Ford was contacted to see if the two 2024 Ford Explorers that were quoted on the bid could still be purchased. The salesperson checked, 2024 Ford Explorers could no longer be purchased, but he could order 2025 Ford Explorers with a delivery date in October 2024, and he would honor the prices in the bid. When prices were figured for the two vehicles, the cost for each vehicle was $40,853.00 which is $3,337.00 less than what was offered on the bid for each 2024 vehicle and is less than $1,430.00 than state contract pricing for each 2025 vehicle.

It is recommended to approve and ratify the purchase of the two 2025 Explorers from Friendship Ford.

Approve a Resolution approving a 2024/2025 Renewal Proposal from Companion Life Insurance to Provide Stop-Loss Insurance for Employee Health Plan

The resolution authorizes the renewal of medical stop-loss insurance coverage from Companion Life Insurance Company, with pricing and terms as outlined in the renewal proposal. The proposal reflects estimated costs as follows:

  • Specific stop-loss coverage – $205.63 per employee per month (rates are 4.62% higher than current), and
  • Aggregate stop-loss – $4.91 per employee per month (rates are 11.85% higher than current).

The attached report from Mark III Employee Benefits provides specific cost information relative to the stop-loss renewal, as well as other costs to the plan. (Note that the Board of Commissioners has previously approved all other components of the 2024/2025 employee health plan, including claims administration services, network access, utilization review, and similar.)

Although the stop-loss renewal includes an increase over the current plan year, the quotation is better than expected, based on the plan’s claims experience. When factoring in stop-loss premiums, administrative fees, and anticipated claims, the total estimated maximum plan costs for 2024/2025 are slightly less than originally anticipated. Companion Life is our current carrier who knows and understands our account and will be a favorable partner for the stop-loss component of the health plan. 

Approval of the resolution is recommended.

New Business
  1. Motion to approve the Replacement of the Boiler System at BCCI by Neal’s Plumbing & Electric, Inc
    • BCCI received a reimbursement grant from Georgia Southern University to replace the boiler system at the facility. The current system is outdated and has been in need of continuous repairs. The repairs are beginning to become cost prohibitive. A new system was needed to maintain hot water within the facility to include the dormitories that the inmate population reside. The grant from Georgia Southern University requires Bulloch County to pay the cost of the equipment and installation and then be reimbursed. 
    • View quote
    • View Georgia Southern document
    • Approved unanimously.
  2. Motion to approve the Replacement of a Food Service Tray Machine at BCCI from Stafford-Smith, Inc
    • BCCI has received a reimbursement grant from Georgia Southern University to replace the Food Service Tray Machine at the facility. The current machine is outdated and has been in need of continuous repairs. The repairs are beginning to become cost prohibitive. A new system is needed to maintain clean trays and utensils for the inmate and jail population during meal times. The grant from GSU requires the County to pay the cost of the equipment and installation and then be reimbursed at 100%.
    • View Georgia Southern document
    • Stafford Smith quote
    • Tri Mark quote
    • Global Restaurant quote
    • Approved unanimously.

Public Comments

Len Fatica – Thanked staff for providing two extra handicap spots at the annex. He also thanked Commissioner Deal for flooding on Josh Deal Road over the weekend.

Tim Powell – Addressed a political text sent out by a group backing incumbent county commissioners, calling activists ‘carpetbaggers.’ He called the political text ‘insulting.’ “To call your neighbors ‘lying carpetbaggers’ is insulting and it’s uncalled for. It’s, at the most, cowardice, and at the least, distasteful.” He went on to discuss the challengers, which include two generational farmers, a local businessman, and two veterans.
Commissioner Roy Thompson said he did not approve the text message to go out.

Commission and Staff Comments

EMS Director Hendrix reminded everyone that it’s EMS week.

Executive Session (Real Estate)

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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