City of Guyton to Receive $1 Million for Infrastructure Improvements

The City of Guyton is set to receive $1 million in state and federal funds to help with improve city infrastructure.

The announcement came from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, which announced thirty-six communities awarded various funding.

Georgia’s CDBG program is available to non-entitlement local governments and specifically targets rural communities.  After a competitive and thorough evaluation process, applications are scored, rated, and ranked.  Grants are awarded based on overall merit. 

The City of Guyton proposes to use $1,000,000 in CDBG funds for Drainage Improvements drainage improvements on a portion of 7th Ave, Central Ave, Maple Circle, Anderson Street, Dilmus Jackson Street, Hines Ave., and Samuel Smalls Sr. Ave. The project will benefit 41 persons, of whom 38 (92.7%) are low‐to‐moderate income persons.

The total project cost is $1,165,601 with $165,601, in match, leverage and in‐kind services.

“These grants are vitally important for revitalizing neighborhoods and addressing aging infrastructure throughout Georgia,” said DCA Director of Community Finance Kimberly Carter.  “It’s crucial that these local governments have every opportunity to thrive, and Community Development Block Grants are one of those tools.” 

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