2 Days Left to Take Survey for Bulloch County Schools

High school families are asked to give input about career pathway programs

Bulloch County Schools is conducting an online survey through July 9, to better understand high school families’ perceptions of its Career Technical & Agricultural Education (CTAE) programs.

Bulloch County Schools has partnered with an education market research firm, Hanover Research, to conduct the survey. It will collect opinions and perceptions of parents and industry partners to guide district leaders in developing next steps for the Career Technical & Agricultural Education program’s implementation within Bulloch. This information will help guide future decisions and improvements.

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Bulloch County Schools will receive survey results from Hanover Research in aggregate form only, which means no personally identifiable information will be collected or reported.

To participate in the survey, visit Bulloch County Schools’ website at www.bullochschools.org/ctae and click on the survey link. 

“We look forward to hearing from high school families to help us best serve our school communities,” said Bethany Gilliam, director of the school district’s CTAE program.

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