Bulloch County Commissioners voted Tuesday to give final approval to the next round of TSPLOST collections, pending voter approval.
The intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between Bulloch County and its municipalities governs the distribution and expenditure of proceeds from a transportation special purpose local option sales tax (TSPLOST) for which a referendum will be held on November 8, 2022. The IGA maintains the same percentage allocations as the previous TSPLOST IGA but increases the expected revenue -based on a 1% tax- to $72,000,000.
Thanks to the amended TSPLOST law, which took effect on July 1, the tax will continue to be collected even if collections exceed this amount since there is an IGA between the parties.
County attorney Jeff Akins said all of the municipalities, with the possible exception of Register, approved the agreement prior to it coming before commissioners.
The split of collections will be as follows:
COUNTY – 51.3%
PORTAL – 1.6%
Staff recommended approval of the agreement, which has already undergone negotiations with the cities, and Commissioner Ray Moseley made a motion to move forward. Commissioners agreed 6-0.
The resolution calling for the referendum will be on the July 19th agenda for approval by the Board of Commissioners, as a referendum cannot be done until an IGA is in place. Voters will then consider the measure on November 8, 2022.
The full IGA is below.