RUNDOWN: Bulloch Commission Meeting – 07/05/22

Here’s what happened at the July 5, 2022 Bulloch County Board of Commissioners Meeting.

Call to Order, Welcome Media and Visitors
Invocation & Pledge
Roll Call – All present
Approval of Zoning Agenda

Donald and Vivian Cone submitted an application to rezone 5.10 acres from R-80 (80,000 square feet) to AG5 (Agricultural 5 Acres) to allow the future subdivision of the property under Section 503 (15) [Family Provision] of the Zoning Ordinance. The property is located at 127 Spell Mincey Road

P&Z voted unanimously to approve the request.
Staff also recommended approval.

No one signed up to speak against. Commissioners approved the measure unanimously.

Douglas Keith Dixon submitted an application for a modification to conditions numbers 5 and 16 of rezone case RZNE-2021-00023. Property is located at 2240 Mill Branch Club Road, Pembroke, GA.

  • #5. No permanent structural addition to any recreational vehicle shall be permitted; temporary structures such as canvas awnings, screed enclosures, or platforms, which are normal camping equipment, may be erected but must be removed when the rental space is vacated.
    • Due to the inherent temporary status of an RV, staff recommends a denial of the condition modification to number 5. Pole barns are considered permanent accessory structures and if owned by the RV park, the structures should be approved on the conceptual site plan
  • #16. Fire hydrants shall be installed throughout all RV Parks in accordance with the specification of the Stateboro Fire Department. There shall be one (1) hydrant at the entrance to the development, and additional hydrants at a distance not to exceed five hundred (500) feet between hydrants. All buildings within the RV Park Shall be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment in good working order of such type, size and number as prescribed by the fire district.
    • Due to fire protection concerns, staff recommends upholding the current condition number 16 in its entirety.

Staff recommended denial of both modifications.
Planning & Zoning Board voted unanimously (4-0) to deny both modifications.

Dixon was not present for Tuesday’s meeting, but Andrew LaVoie was present on behalf of the neighboring property owner to the north. He said the neighboring property owners were opposed to revising #16 and took no position on revising #5 because of the fire hazards posed.

No other individual spoke in favor or against and the commissioners voted unanimously to deny the application.

Rufus and Odessa Knight have submitted an application for a conditional use to allow a manufactured home to be located in a HC (highway commercial) zoned property. The property is located at 25288 Highway 301 North.

Staff recommended approval of the conditional use request pursuant to
section 802 of the Bulloch County Zoning Ordinance.
P&Z voted unanimously to approve the request.

Commissioners approved the request unanimously.

Caitlynn Hill has submitted an application for a conditional use to allow a manufactured home to be located on a HC (highway commercial) parcel. The Property is located at 14839 Old River Road South

Staff recommended approval of the conditional use request.
P&Z voted unanimously to approve the request.

Deborah Lewis spoke against the request, saying the area is already having issues with code enforcement and property conditions.
Another Lewis family member spoke against the rezone request out of a lack of denotion about what the mobile home will be used for.
A third person who did not state her name spoke against the conditional use request because of the high volume of people already traveling the area. She said the property is already an eye sore.

Commissioner Curt Deal asked if the application was the property owner, to which staff replied she was.

County Manager Tom Couch made a suggestion for commissioners to table the measure until the following meeting to consult with code enforcement and the health department. Commissioners voted 6-0 to table the measure until the following meeting. Chairman Roy Thompson told those in attendance that they just wanted to take a little more time to figure out if it is the right or wrong thing to do.

Christopher F. Akins has submitted an application to rezone 172.29 acres from HC (Highway Commercial) to LI (Light Industrial) for the purpose of constructing two warehouses/logistics facilities with associated trailer parking. Property is located on Neville Dairy RD

Staff recommended approval of the rezone request with 10 conditions (view the list of conditions here)
P&Z voted 3-1 to approve the request.

Staff reported that the agent for the application was not present, so commissioners deferred the item until the August meeting.

James H. & Jerry Rushing have submitted an application to rezone 19 acres from HC (Highway Commercial) to LI (light Industrial ) for the purpose of constructing two warehouses/logistics facilities with associated trailer parking. The property is located at 135 Neville dairy RD.

Staff recommended approval of the rezone request with 10 conditions (view the list of conditions here)
P&Z voted 3-1 to approve the request.

Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the request.

Approval of General Agenda
Public Comments

Letter from Nicole Dubberly
Ms. Dubberly asked that the following items be addressed at the July 5, 2022 meeting.

  • Theft of taxpayer funds by the Tax Commissioner to fund illegal organized crime.
  • Bulloch County Offices are in violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). She stated this can be classified as a war crime and she has been told that if she does not pay then her property/land can be taken through illegal activity known as extortion.
  • She stated these funds are being used to fund terrorism, illegal acts, crimes against humanity, war crimes, theft by receiving, and it is a constitutional violation of rights.
  • She stated this is also a violation of Nuremburg code violations and international law.
Consent Agenda

This item was voted on collectively.

Minutes of Jun 21, 2022 8:30 AM
Minutes of Jun 28, 2022 8:30 AM
Executive Session Minutes Jun 28, 2022
Motion to approve the yearly service and support purchase for 911 CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) and Mapping System. This is an annual renewal and payment for the support system.

Motion to approve revocation of an alcoholic beverage license for the Loyal Moose Lodge #1089 located at 101 Moose Club Road, Statesboro, Georgia 30458.

The current licensees have asked to be removed as licensees for the premises. A letter has been mailed to the Board of Directors for the Loyal Moose Lodge #1089 regarding the request by the licensees to be removed from the license and the pending revocation of the license. A new applicant has been identified and will need to complete the application process.

Motion to Accept the highest bid of $1000 for unclaimed, abandoned property

Sealed bids were opened in the Conference Room at the Airport on June 27, 2022 at 3:00 pm, for the sale of abandoned or unclaimed personal property stored in a portion of Building #12. The Invitation to Bid was placed in the Statesboro Herald, the Penny Saver, in the regional newspapers, and on the Airport’s website.

Adopt a resolution for a Streetlight Tax District for Phase 8 of Chatham Place- Section 2 Subdivision.

The developer of Chatham Place Subdivision-Section 2 Phase 8 has submitted an application to establish a streetlight district for the subdivision. As required by the streetlight district ordinance for new developments, the Planning & Zoning Commission heard the application and has recommended approval. Adoption of the attached resolution will establish a streetlight district for this subdivision. Approval was recommended by staff.

Adopt a resolution for a streetlight tax district for Sunfield Station Subdivision.

The developer of Sunfield Station Subdivision has submitted an application to establish a streetlight district for the subdivision. As required by the streetlight district ordinance for new developments, the Planning & Zoning Commission heard the application and has recommended approval. Adoption of the attached resolution will establish a streetlight district for this subdivision. Approval was recommended by staff.

Motion to approve an alcoholic beverage license transfer for retail consumption of beer and wine by the drink to Shalah Hendrix for the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge Inc., #1089 located at 101 Moose Club Road, Statesboro, Ga.

Applicant has fulfilled the requirements for the issuance of a license. Approval was recommended by staff.

New Business

Motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for TSPLOST

The intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between Bulloch County and its municipalities governs the distribution and expenditure of proceeds from a transportation special purpose local option sales tax (TSPLOST) for which a referendum will be held on November 8, 2022. The IGA maintains the same percentage allocations as the previous TSPLOST IGA but increases the expected revenue based on a 1% tax to $72,000,000. However, under the amended TSPLOST law (effective July 1), the tax will continue to be collected even if collections exceed this amount since there is an IGA between the parties.

The resolution calling for the referendum will be on the July 19th agenda for approval by the Board of Commissioners. Approval of the IGA was recommended by staff.

Commission & Staff Comments
Motion to Adjourn

With no need for executive session, the meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m.


Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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