RUNDOWN: Bulloch County Commission Meeting – 06/18/24

This is an informal rundown of the Bulloch County Commission Meeting on June 18, 2024.

Call to Order, Welcome Media and Visitors
Invocation and Pledge
Roll Call – Commissioner Timmy Rushing absent; County Manager Tom Couch absent; County attorney Jeff Akins absent

Approval of General Agenda

Consent Agenda

These items were voted on as a whole and approved unanimously.

  1. Minutes of May 30, 2024 6:00 PM
  2. Minutes of Jun 4, 2024 5:30 PM
  3. Resolution to Approve ACCG IRMA Property and Liability Insurance Proposal for 2024/2025
    • The resolution approves the renewal of property and liability coverage through ACCG-IRMA, as quoted in the proposal attached. The premium (price) for the 2024/2025 coverage will be $939,008 with liability limits of $2,000,000 ($1,000,000 for automobile liability).
    • Bulloch County’s new premium is $82,904 (or about 9.7%) higher than last year’s cost of $856,104. Much of this increase stems from ACCG’s overall rate increase of 7%, due to several factors, including inflationary changes, insurance market conditions, and overall member claims experience.
    • These factors have increased the price for all ACCG-IRMA member entities, not just for Bulloch County. The balance of the price increase is related to factors specific to Bulloch County, including increases in property values, number of vehicles, number of personnel, and payroll.
  4. Motion to Approve Contract Renewal Agreement with Clean by Lucy II, Inc. for Janitorial/Cleaning Bid For Multiple Recreation Locations
    • The current contract with Clean by Lucy II, Inc. for Bulloch County Recreation and Parks Department Janitorial and Cleaning Services ends on June 30,2024. In the bidding process, it stated if both parties agree then we can renew the contract for two successive one-year terms without rebidding for the service provided.
    • It is the recommendation of Tony Morgan, Parks Division Manager, to renew the contract for one more year for the cost of $16,020. This would be the first renewal ending on June 30, 2025.
    • Attached is the contract renewal that will be signed after being approved, the original bid, and an email from Clean By Lucy II, Inc. agreeing to renew under the same conditions and pricing.
  5. Motion to Approve the Acceptance of the Ogeechee JC Drug Court/Mental Health Court FY25 Grant Awards: Drug Court $306,082.00 and Mental Health Court $178,882.00
  6. Motion to Approve County Grounds Contract from Statesboro Southern Scapes
    • The existing contracts with A-1 Grassroots and the Groundsmen to maintain city and county facilities will end on June 30, 2024.
    • Sealed bids for this service were accepted and opened on May 16, 2024. Two bids were received with each having the proper documentation requested by the county: Statesboro Southern Scapes $123,676 and A-1 Grassroots $136,865.
    • It was stated in the bid packet that the county has the right to make an award to more than one bidder if they determine that it is in the County’s best interest to do so. After reviewing and studying each bid, it was decided that it was not advantageous to divide the sites the same as we have in the past.
    • Statesboro Southern Scapes total is $123,676 with an additional $6,962 for installation of pinestraw / mulch two (2) times a year on various sites, bringing the grand total to $130,638 to maintain 41 sites for Bulloch County.
    • The contract would be for a period of 12 months beginning July1, 2024 and ending June 30,2025; with the option to renew for two (2) successive one (1) year periods on the same terms and conditions as the initial one-year term.
    • It is the recommendation of Tony Morgan, Parks Division Manager, that the bid be awarded to Statesboro Southern Scapes to maintain all county facilities listed in the bid for $130,638.
  7. Motion to Approve Solid Waste Purchase of Twenty(20) 20-yard Roll Off Containers in the Amount of $102,462.00 from Wastequip
    • Containers are used in all collection centers to provide sufficient space for residential disposal.
  8. Motion to Approve Solid Waste Purchase of Two(2) Roll Off Trucks in the Amount of $508,906.00 from Solid Waste Applied Technologies
    • Purchase of two solid waste roll off trucks from Solid Waste Applied Technologies.
  9. Motion to Approve Run-Out Claims Agreement with IBG Administrators, LLC
    • Bulloch County provides, as a component of the employee benefits package, a self-funded health plan for employees and their dependents. The county utilizes the services of vendors to evaluate, reprice, and pay medical claims and to perform other plan administration duties.
    • As of 7/1/2024, plan administration, claims payment, and repricing services will transition from the current vendors to Cigna Healthcare. Cigna will begin processing and paying claims for services that occur on or after the 7/1/2024 effective date. There is, however, some lag between the date that medical services are provided and the date the claims are fully submitted, processed, and paid. Claims that occur in one plan year (in this case, 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024) but that are not paid until the following plan year are called “run-out” claims.
    • During times of transition, it is customary and prudent for organizations to execute limited-term agreements with incumbent vendors to ensure the proper handling and payment of “run out” claims. To that end, our current medical network provider, IBG Administrators, LLC, has agreed to continue their claims repricing services for a six-month run-out period following the current plan’s expiration date. A similar agreement has been executed with our current Third-Party Administrator, 90 Degree Benefits, for the continuation of their services during the run-out period as well.
    • The attached “Run-Out Claims Agreement” formalizes the necessary arrangement for the repricing and transmission of run-out claims. The terms of this agreement require IBG Administrators to continue repricing and claims transmission services through December 31, 2024, for a flat fee of $17,750.
    • Approval is recommended.


Motion to Approve a Resolution to Adopt the FY 2025 Budget and Work Program

Approved unanimously.

No Title

No Description

Reappoint John Rule and Chris Bohan to the Airport Committee

These two are already serving and will be

Approved unanimously.

Motion to Approve Additional Funding to the Statesboro Food Bank to Complete Construction

Statesboro Food Bank needs additional money to complete their project and will be seeking a $300,000 construction loan from a local bank, but also needs additional funds from the county. County will subsequently appropriate $70,000 in ARPA fund interest earnings.
County Manager Tom Couch asked that the Board approve the request.

Approved unanimously.


Len Fatica – wanted to commend public safety for their efforts regarding the crash on I-16 on Friday.

Shari Barr – Thanked people for their professionalism and humanity.

Jessica Bennett – Spoke about the lack of effort to balance the budget without taking $2 million from the rainy day fund and to ask about the special election for the SPLOST vote that was supposed to be on the November election.

Commissioner Roy Thompson addressed the SPLOST issue saying the letters to the municipalities had been hand delivered. “So much going on is not an excuse, they were not forgotten though. I asked in a few meetings who w as in favor of SPLOST and I didn’t see hardly any hands. I guess it was by design that we go into a special election for SPLOST so that people really realize the importance of it. And those that did not raise their hands for it, to give them a chance to talk to their neighbors, talk to whomever, and turn it down. But I think when it’s found out what SPLOST is all about, that Bulloch County, this is 1% of the sales tax that people from all over pay to give us money, I think we would have somewhere between $9-11 million every year for six years. And if you turn that down, you’re going to have to answer to the citizens.

So this is a special invitation to support SPLOST. That’s probably one of the best taxes that we can pay. You can ride to Splash in the Boro, you can ride to the restaurants and see how many out of county and out of state tags there are…”

Frank Davis – Piggybacked on Len Fatica’s comments.

  • July 9 is the scheduled date for SPLOST discussions with the municipalities.
  • Brad Deal provided an update on Brannen Pond Road, which was damaged in an August storm.
  • Commissioner Jappy Stringer thanked first responders as well, saying it had already been said twice but he planned on bringing it up before the meeting. “That’s why we’re up here making these hard decisions.”
  • Commissioner Roy Thompson asked the stand-in county attorney George Rountree about whether or not the mothers of the lifeguards at Splash in the Boro (some of whom are 16) have grounds for a lawsuit for someone taking pictures of their children and posting them.

Adjourn – 9:13 a.m.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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