RUNDOWN: Bulloch County Commission Meeting – Oct. 15, 2024

This is an informal rundown of what happened at the Bulloch County Commission meeting on Tuesday, October 15.

Call to Order
Invocation & Pledge
Roll Call – All Commissioners present


  1. The Food Bank of Statesboro, Georgia – ARPA Funds Assistance: Executive Director, Sheila Stewart-Leach
    • The purpose of the presentation was to express gratitude for assistance from the ARPA fund.
    • Stewart Leach provided the following numbers:
      • In the last 3 months, SFB has served:
        • 4,904 families
        • 6,000 children
        • 8,000 adults
        • 1,173 seniors in last three 3 months
    • Meals provided to 15,263 people from July 1 through October 11
      • 320,000 meals in Q1 in the new building
    • 2023 – 14,000 families served the entire year
    • Food Bank will also celebrate 37th year in 2024 with a total of 13 million people served
  2. Presentation of “Red Ribbon Week” Proclamation
  3. Presentation: Workforce Development Study – Phase 1
  4. County Engineer Brad Deal and Assistant County Engineer Ron Nelson: Update on County/GDOT Transportation Projects and Clarification of County/GDOT Responsibilities

Approval of General Agenda

Consent Agenda

This agenda item was approved unanimously with all items voted on collectively.

Resolution to Approve Amendment #2 to the 401(a) Defined Contribution Plan’s Adoption Agreement

ACCG has drafted documents to enact a technical amendment to the Bulloch County 401(a) Defined
Contribution Plan. The two documents include:

  • Adoption Agreement Amendment #2, and
  • Resolution approving Adoption Agreement Amendment #2.
Motion to approve and ratify use of JL Derriso Trucking for hauling services

Public Works used J L Derriso Trucking to haul rock and dirt to road repair sites from Debby. For the week of 9/23 – 9/30 their rate was $18,496.25.

Motion to purchase Self Contained Breathing Apparatus from MES

The Bulloch County Fire Department was budgeted $90,000.00 to purchase new SCBA’s These SCBAs allow Firefighters to work in IDLH environments, this equipment provides respiratory protection to prevent lung disease, cancers, and other respiratory issues. This purchase will allow the department to add additional SCBS’s that are needed in operations.

Motion to approve and ratify an emergency order from Cherokee Culvert

Public Works emergency ordered culvert pipe from Cherokee Culvert to use in road repairs after Debby. Cherokee Culvert is the regular supplier and they were able to provide the county what was needed quickly at a cost of $16,741.12.

Motion to approve an amendment to the budgets for Fiscal Year 2024 by appropriating amounts in each fund for various activities.

Staff is requesting a final budget amendment to appropriate monies needed for various operational and capital activities which were needed to complete organizational objectives.

Bulloch Commissioners Approve FY 24 Budget Amendments
Motion to Approve the Purchase of Lion PPE from NAFECO

The Bulloch County Fire Department was budgeted to purchase new PPE, this purchase is for the new positions added to the department in July, this is a Sourcewell purchase on a Government contract that meets the AFG purchasing agreement.

New Business

Resolution to Approve Updates to the Personnel Policy Manual

In FY2019, the Board of Commissioners adopted a new, comprehensive Personnel Policy Manual for employees and supervisors. Periodic review of the Personnel Policy Manual is prudent to ensure it remains upto-date and relevant. As a result, county staff members conduct an annual review to identify potential updates, which may include, for example, incorporation of new legal or procedural changes, clarification of any potentially ambiguous language, or documentation of previously unaddressed matters. Following each annual review, the updated draft document is presented to the Board of Commissioners for consideration.

The Board of Commissioners most recently approved updates in late 2023. As a result of the 2024 review, the project team (HR Director, County Attorney, and Assistant County Manager) has recommended additional updates and edits which will clarify areas of confusion and expand upon topics already covered by the manual.

In addition, a front cover has been added as well as a "Contact Us" page in the rear of the manual.

The attached marked up version is provided to clearly show the changes that are recommended. In this document, new language is shown in red type, while the wording shown in blue (and stricken with a blue line) is to be deleted. The changes are summarized in the accompanying chart, which will be distributed to
employees if the updated version is approved.

A complete copy of the new draft Personnel Policy Manual is also attached, along with a resolution to adopt the updated manual. Approval is recommended.

View the manual with proposed changes here.

Approved unanimously.

Motion to approve a Master Agreement and Task Order with Goodwyn Mills Cawood (GMC) to begin a pre-design study for Jail Improvements designated for the 2025 SPLOST

The County Manager recommends approval of the master agreement (B121-2018) and Task Order (B221- 2018) with Goodwyn Mills Cawood (GMC) located in Atlanta, Georgia to begin a pre-design study for Jail Improvements designated for the 2025 SPLOST. GMC has been previously working with Bulloch County Sheriff's Office, Public Safety, and Public Works on site planning for future facilities at the work camp. The Sheriff's Office reports satisfaction in working with GMC. The attached master agreement (B122-2018)
contemplates carrying out continuing task orders for the design and construction management for Jail
Improvements. The Task Order would authorize a pre-design study for a fee not to exceed $25,000.00 to begin value engineering for the Jail Improvements project.

Financial Impact: $25,000.00 to be paid for with 2019 SPLOST funds.

Approved unanimously.

Motion to approve a request from Ogeechee Technical College for funding assistance for road construction to be paid from SPLOST funds

In the FY 2024 State budget, Ogeechee Technical College received $19.9 million to construct an industrial systems and robotics training center at A.J. Riggs Road and US 301 South. Except for a proposed portion of right-of-way dedicated to the County, the Development Authority donated the remaining portion of land attributed to Gateway Industrial Park for the facility that will leverage economic development and area manufacturing training. OTC is requesting funding assistance for the road in the amount of $1,000,000.00

(Based on the Opinion of Probable Cost) from Bulloch County which can be appropriated from the SPLOST economic development infrastructure category, as is available.

Financial Impact: $1,000,000.00 from 2019 SPLOST funds

Approved unanimously.

Public Comment

Eric Bruner - opioid settlement fund use. Specifically, Bruner wanted to know how the money was spent and when.

Commission & Staff Comments

Executive Session (Pending Litigation, Real Estate and Personnel)
Commissioners entered into Executive Session at 10:07 a.m.


Watch the full meeting below

Bulloch County Board of Commissioners Meeting - October 15, 2024 8:30AM

Uploaded by Bulloch County Board of Commissioners on 2024-10-14.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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