Candidate Spotlight: David Bennett – Bulloch County Commission Chairman

Join us as we chat with David Bennett, candidate for Bulloch County Commission Chairman.

Hear why he’s running, what issues he’ll prioritize, and his views on the budget and taxes, development, the future of Bulloch County, and more.

…Answers to questionnaire completed by candidate below…

Candidate Spotlight: David Bennett – Bulloch County Commission Chairman

Join us as we chat with David Bennett, candidate for Bulloch County Commission Chairman. Hear why he’s running, what issues he’ll prioritize, and his views on the budget and taxes, development, the future of Bulloch County, and more. Election Day is May 21st. Early voting begins April 29.

Learn more about Bennett’s campaign on Facebook.

Employment/Profession: Registered Nurse/Flight Nurse
Military Service: US Army Reserve 1991-1998 Active Army 1998-2020
Can you allocate the time to attend and actively participate in all required meetings and additional functions? Yes
Political Experience: None, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.
Civic Involvement: Volunteer work with Southeast Bulloch Future Farmers of America Chapter; Vice President, Southeast Bulloch Livestock Association

If you have yet to gain prior political experience or involvement, give your reasons for seeking this position and your qualifications for office: My reasons for seeking office are simple:

1. I’m tired of having local elected representatives that ignore the will of the people. Over the last ten months our commissioners unanimously voted for a thirty percent property tax increase, and did their best to obfuscate their plans to drill wells in the southeast part of the county in order to supply water for the Hyundai plant in neighboring Bryan County. Despite the vocal protests of their constituents, these elected officials continue to do as they please; all while mocking, belittling, and in at least one case, threatening citizens of Bulloch County.

2. Our current Chairman of the County Commission was first elected to the Commission in 2004, served three terms as a commissioner, then was elected as Chairman in 2016. This year he will run for his third term as Chairman, and has run unopposed since his first election in 2004. George Washington, the father of our nation, voluntarily stepped down after two terms in office. President Washington promised to serve only two terms to avoid unfair power as a government official and to avoid the formation of a monarchy in the newly founded United States. In my mind, if two terms is good enough for George Washington, it should be good enough for our local elected officials. Elections are a vital check in our system of government. Elections are designed to force a “performance review” of our elected officials, allow discussions of ideas and policy on a regular basis, and offer alternatives to the current leadership.

In regard to the Chairman of the Bulloch County Commission, I think its time that we have a rigorous discussion about the direction that Mr Thompson is taking Bulloch County, and I think the people should have an alternative to that direction. This year I want Bulloch County to elect a Chairman, not have a coronation like there has been the last two terms. In regard to my qualifications for office, I learned to lead during my service in the military. Leadership is not about yelling and bullying others into submission, its about providing a vision, clearing obstacles for your subordinates so they can be successful, taking care of people around you regardless of position/stature, and being a good steward of the resources provided to you. Over the years, I’ve trained and led some of our nation’s finest (and most valuable resources) to provide lifesaving care in hostile, austere environments to ensure their survival and the survival of the people they were charged with to the responsibility to care for; all while working along side those same wonderful people. I’ve made hard decisions that affected the lives of people around me, and I’ve managed budgets in excess of several million dollars (of taxpayer money). I think these experiences objectively translate over to the Chairman’s duties and responsibilities, and I look forward to using them to improve the quality of life for all citizens of Bulloch County.

How would you best explain the duties of the office you seek? The Chairman of the County Commission acts as the Chief Executive Officer of the County. In that role, the Chairman provides strategic guidance to County Commission, County Manager, and other executives within the county government. Additionally the Chairman collaborates with the county manager to develop the county commission agenda, then ensures that county commission meetings are conducted in an orderly and fair manner.

How can you best contribute to our county and the citizens you serve?

  1. I will enforce parliamentary procedure as outlined in Robert’s Rules of Oder and the local county ordinances to ensure that meetings are orderly, impartial, and everyone is treated with respect.
  2. I will LISTEN to the constituents of Bulloch County and work to employ their will in all actions taken by the county commission.
  3. I will work to ensure transparency in our county government. I will encourage open dialogue between the commissioners during meetings. I will ensure that executive session discussions are limited to the items prescribed in the Handbook for Georgia County Commissioners and Georgia Open Records Laws. I will encourage the county commissioners and the county manager to not only follow the letter of the law, but to also follow the spirit of the law by avoiding situations that could be misconstrued as working around the law (for example meeting in small groups that do not meet the definition of a quorum to discuss county business).

Are you willing to speak and communicate with the citizens that you serve? ABSOLUTELY! Just as I’ve done while campaigning, I’ll remain enthusiastic about speaking with the public. I’m happy to pick up the phone, visit at someone’s home, or meet in a public location to discuss the concerns of the voters. Additionally, I want to regularly schedule town hall meetings and will encourage other commissioners to participate with me. Instead of giving the public three minutes to exit the building before the commissioners go into executive session, I’d like to recess for thirty minutes (between the regular and executive sessions) to allow commissioners time to meet with the public in attendance at county commission meetings.

What are your biggest concerns for the County and the citizens you are running to represent? Our current commissioners failed to plan for the rapid growth that we are currently experiencing, forcing them to reactively try to “plug holes in the dam”. Over the last few years, several multimillion dollar corporations were given tax abatements in exchange for moving to highly desirable locations within Bulloch County. These abatements, combined with our leadership’s desire to “all the things” at once leave the property owners of the county to foot the bill through property taxes. The current Chairman just “hopes for a slowdown, maybe, so we can catch our breath and just face the challenges ahead of us.” Without a strategic plan to build much needed infrastructure and tax relief for the property owners of Bulloch County, things will only continue to get worse.

What changes or improvements would you like to see made in Bulloch County?

  1. The end of tax abatements for corporations moving to Bulloch County. If these companies don’t want to be part of our wonderful community and contribute their fair share of taxes, they can go elsewhere.
  2. A rollback of the property tax milage rate to the FY 2023 rate.
  3. Implementation of impact fees for new construction in the county.
  4. Property tax incentives to preserve land that is designated for agricultural use.
  5. Improvements to vital infrastructure:
    • a. Sheriff/EMS/Fire substations (and the staff/equipment to man them) in rural parts of the county in order to decrease first responder response times.
    • b. More efficient use of TSPLOST funds to ensure that roads with increased usage are paved/improved to meet the needs of Bulloch Countians.
    • c. Increase in inpatient beds and medical/surgical specialties (including trauma services) to meet the increased medical needs in the county.
  6. Improved communication, collaboration, and cooperation between elected officials (Cities of Statesboro, Brooklet, Portal, Register, Nevils, Bulloch County, and the Board of Education).

What would you like to see continue in Bulloch County?

  1. Friendly folks everywhere I go.
  2. Good local Bar B Que
  3. Farm equipment moving between fields along the roads of Bulloch County
  4. Good schools
  5. Kids that want to move back to Bulloch County after college/learning a skill because this is a great place to live.

How would you balance the interests of the taxpayers with the needs of the citizens? We don’t have to do everything at once. We need to develop a strategic plan for manageable and sustainable growth, then stick with it. We also need to sources of funding that reduce the tax burden on property tax owners.

I would like to add… I’m excited that Bulloch County is going to have a real election this year. I’m also thrilled that we have a local news agency that is willing to provide ALL candidates an opportunity to share their ideas with the voters of Bulloch County.

Bennett is challenging incumbent Roy Thompson for the County Chairman seat. Thompson was offered an interview, but declined to participate.

Election Day is May 21st. Early voting begins April 29. Find information about your voting location and sample ballots by visiting My Voter Page.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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