Sen. Ossoff Introduces Legislation to Strengthen National Security at Hunter Army Airfield

During exercise AGILE FLAG 23-1, Air Force Capt. Jeremey Tuma (left), F-35 pilot with 4th Fighter Generation Squadron, 388th Fighter Wing, is greeted by Senior Airman Brett Burkle (right), crew chief with 4th FGS, after landing on the simulated forward operating base on Hunter Army Airfield, Mar. 2. Working with the most advanced fighter jet in the U.S. military's inventory, these airmen are on the cutting edge of modern warfighting. "We need more modern fighters; we need more modern tactics and tools to fight today. The F-35 is a step in the right direction," said Tuma. AGILE FLAG is a bi-annual exercise focused on Air Combat Command lead wings' ability to quickly generate combat power while continuing to move, maneuver and sustain the wing and subordinate force elements in a dynamic contested environment. (Daniel Malta)

U.S Senator Jon Ossoff is introducing legislation to strengthen U.S. national security by constructing new facilities at Hunter Army Airfield.

This week, Sen. Ossoff introduced legislation to authorize construction of a new parachute training and maintenance facility for special operations forces at the Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield, a key first step for the project.

The Hunter Army Airfield Support Act would strengthen national security by helping replace current sub-standard facilities with a new consolidated facility that will support better training and storage areas for the 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operation Aviation Regiment and 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment to train and execute their airborne operations.

“Hunter Army Airfield is critical to U.S. national security, and servicemembers stationed at the base are always on my mind,” Sen. Ossoff said. “This is why I have introduced the Hunter Army Airfield Support Act to ensure that our servicemembers have state-of-the-art facilities to carry out important missions and training.”

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