Group Takes Out Full Page Ad to Combat Biden-Abrams Narrative on Election Law

A group of conservative activists are calling on Democrats to stop what they say is a misinformation campaign and they have launched their own ad campaign to refute the claims alleged about a newly-enacted voting law in the Peach State.

The Conservative Clergy of Color, a group of Black ministers and pastors, says it ran a full-page ad in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution “correcting the ‘lies’ that the Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams have been telling about the Georgia Election Integrity Act of 2021.”

The ad is also published on the new website Easy 2 Vote, Hard 2 Cheat.

From the news release:

The ad specifically addresses unfounded criticisms of the law made by President Joe Biden and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, alleging that their disinformation campaign is “devastating” minority-owned small businesses in Atlanta by encouraging boycotts and other forms of economic retribution against the state. Recently, Major League Baseball decided to relocate the 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver, Colorado – a move that is projected to cost the region around $100 million in potential business.

“Biden and Abrams keep saying the Election Integrity Act is worse than Jim Crow, which is an insult to the millions of Black Americans,” said Bishop Aubrey Shines, founder of Glory to God Ministries and a founding member of Conservative Clergy of Color. “The truth is that this law actually expands access to the ballot box, while also taking common-sense steps to protect the sanctity of every legal vote. We believe that it should be easy to vote and hard to cheat and the Georgia Integrity Act makes that possible for all voters,” he concluded.

Contrary to the left’s rhetoric, the Georgia Election Act of 2021 allows for expanded early voting hours and additional early voting options on weekends, including Sundays. It also authorizes absentee ballot drop boxes for the first time, turning what had been a temporary measure with serious chain of custody violations adopted in the midst of a deadly pandemic into a permanent feature of Georgia’s elections.

Claims that voter ID requirements are racially discriminatory are also lies promoted by Biden and Abrams , since the Georgia Election Integrity Act of 2021 establishes a wide variety of legitimate forms of identification, including utility bills. Previously, absentee ballots could only be authenticated through signature matching, a laborious and inherently subjective process that invited weaknesses in the system.

“As our ad points out, the lies that Biden and Abrams are telling about this law aren’t just another example of political theater. Like elections, lies have consequences,” Shines said. “The MLB’s decision to relocate the All-Star Game in response to the left’s irresponsible and baseless assertions will deprive hard working Georgians – including countless Black-owned businesses and their employees – of a much-needed economic boost that would have helped them recover from the pandemic-induced economic downturn.”

You can view the ad below.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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