Georgia Southern President Kyle Marrero delivers Fall 2024 State of the University address on Statesboro and Armstrong campuses

Georgia Southern University President Kyle Marrero delivered a State of the University Fall 2024 address to more than 500 faculty, staff and students in the Performing Arts Center on the Statesboro Campus on Sept. 4 and in the Fine Arts Auditorium on the Armstrong Campus on Sept. 5.

The address was a kickoff to the academic year as Marrero assessed the University’s challenges and opportunities while lauding its successes and accomplishments. He also highlighted the FY2026 budget prioritization process and outlined the major initiatives that will inform and chart the institution’s course for the next five years.  

“I believe what distinguishes us in the University System of Georgia (USG) is the transparency and collective engagement that this process demands,” Marrero stated. “As you know, enrollment directly impacts our budget. And because of our enrollment growth success, we will be modeling our process this academic year to prioritize investments. This includes investing in our people, which include faculty and staff positions deemed critical to our continued growth and student support; identifying operational and process improvements to ensure efficiency and effectiveness; continuing investments in our strategic enrollment plan to ensure future growth; and supporting our salary market equity increases to help retain our people and recruit top talent.”

The dual events also celebrated the official launch of Georgia Southern’s new brand campaign, “Soar Beyond,” with giveaways that were handed out to those in attendance.  

Marrero’s address and corresponding presentation is online

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