The Screven County School System is asking for input and feedback on how the school system should spend federal funds doled out through the American Rescue Plan money.
The School system was awarded $11.4 million to use appropriate funds for safe operations during the pandemic, upgrades to facilities, and other similar expenditures. Georgia’s public schools received a combined $4 billion.
American Rescue Plan (ARP): Federal funds to help school systems respond to the pandemic
Priorities for SCSS ARP funding:
- Learning Loss Academic and Social
- Continuity of Services (continuing to provide all of our normal programs and services)
- Student and Staff Physical and Mental Well Being and Safety
Proposed Budgeted items:
- Additional staff to help with learning loss: ES early intervention teacher, MS remedial math teacher, ES para pros, system wide counselor, HS counselor, MS assistant principal, ES instructional coach, HS credit recovery teacher, additional nursing staff, additional staff not covered by state funds due to reduced funding or loss of enrollment
- Summer school and after school tutoring programs and transportation costs
- New instruction materials to help deal with learning loss
- Staff professional learning on dealing with students with Emotional Poverty: reducing anger, anxiety, and violence in the schools
- Technology upgrades: infrastructure and devices to increase dependability and speeds, all staff technology device upgrades, classroom instruction technology upgrades
- New ES lobby and parent meeting room to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards and other safety concerns
- HS fresh air handler units
- Safety and health supplies and trainings
- School supplies, summer learning packets
- Refit the Community Tech Bus
- Increased cleaning and disinfecting costs
- Retention bonus for all SCSS employees
- Buses to be retro fitted with AC units
The school system is also asking for feedback on the Parent & Family Engagement Plan and School Compacts.
SCSS Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Please view here
School Compacts
Please view here