Screven County Elementary was recently named a Bronze Star School for the Georgia Schools Care cause – the only school in the region to be recognized for participation.
State School Superintendent Richard Woods announced the schools Monday in touting the success of the Georgia Department of Education’s statewide service initiative, Georgia Schools Care, held from November 8 through December 15, 2023. This annual initiative brought together the entire educational family, including students and staff, fostering a sense of community and support for a shared cause.
Georgia Schools Care aimed to unite Georgia’s education family in a collective effort to impact the lives of others positively. During the initiative, participants joined forces to raise an impressive total of more than $43,600. The funds collected were directed towards supporting disadvantaged children through a partnership with Clark’s Christmas Kids.
The Bronze Star School designation was reserved for any level of participation based on a minimum $1 donation by both students and staff.
Screven County Elementary was the only school in the area to receive a designation at any level.
Read more about other schools and other levels of designation here.